Minor Site Redesign

I am doing a bit of site redesign as my CSS skills improve.  All of this is a prelude to my pending attempt to move this entire beast over to WordPress, a goal mainly thwarted right now by trying to preserve all the permalinks at the same addresses.

Anyway, I have a new page with all my published books and Powerpoint presentations here.  I have a page collecting all my videos here.   Since YouTube crunches all the videos to a resolution too small to really read my charts well, I have also set up a streaming video site with full resolution videos here.  All of these sites are easily reachable by the new menu bar across the top of the site.

One thought on “Minor Site Redesign”

  1. Do you mean you are setting this up at wordpres.org? Or are you paying for hosting somewhere and using WP? I haven’t ever migrated from typepad, but WP itself has an option to create permalinks that look exactly like your current ones.

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