This Too Shall Pass (By Popular Demand)

In perhaps the largest batch of email I have ever gotten on one subject, readers are demanding more coverage of the effect of trace atmospheric gasses on kidney function.  So here you go:

In early July, when a former government employee accused Dick Cheney’s office of deleting from congressional testimony key statements about the impact of climate change on public health, White House staff countered that the science just wasn’t strong enough to include. Not two weeks later, however, things already look different. University of Texas researchers have laid out some of the most compelling science to date linking climate change with adverse public-health effects: scientists predict a steady rise in the U.S. incidence of kidney stones — a medical condition largely brought on by dehydration — as the planet continues to warm.

I am certainly ready to believe that this is "the most compelling science to date" vis a vis the negative effects of global warming, though I thought perhaps the study about global warming increasing acne was right up there as well.

Here are 48,900 other things that "global warming will cause."  More from Lubos Motl.  And here is the big list of global warming catastrophe claims.

Update:  I am not sure I would have even bothered, but Ryan M actually dives into the "science" of the kidney stone finding

4 thoughts on “This Too Shall Pass (By Popular Demand)”

  1. I am presently working on a paper that shows a statistical relationship between global warming and rates of gonorrhea, otherwise known as the clap. Once published, it will be the crowning piece of data to overthrow Dick Cheney and the deniers once and for all! There is no more room for doubt, since the science is settled and the consensus has decided that the debate is over. Or do you all want to get gonorrhea? Again? 😉

  2. Well I for one an convinced there is a link between global warming and flatulence. Hopefully I can prove it so the count gets to be 48, 901.

  3. Make that 48,902: apprently AGW causes dead baby penguins to wah up on Brazilian beaches, at least according to AP. (Link:

    “But biologist Erli Costa of Rio de Janeiro’s Federal University suggested weather patterns could be involved.

    ‘I don’t think the levels of pollution are high enough to affect the birds so quickly. I think instead we’re seeing more young and sick penguins because of global warming, which affects ocean currents and creates more cyclones, making the seas rougher,’ Costa said.

    Costa said the vast majority of penguins turning up are baby birds that have just left the nest and are unable to out-swim the strong ocean currents they encounter while searching for food.”

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